9 thoughts on “So, working on my Angels Hack of Blades in the Dark.”

  1. For “”Hunt,” I kind of wish you could use “Cleave,” in the old-term sense of “adhere, stick to.”

    But that’d just be understood as “hack apart” :-/

  2. I like both of those action names. The action list would be very thematic and I love it.

    The reflavorings and expansion of the other mechanics are neat too. I can immediately see me using those light side/dark side meters [sic] in any game which features strong gothic themes and good vs evil stories (and oddly, my mind went straight to VTM and Star Wars lol but I digress)

    Interested to see what sort of entanglements you cook up for Harmony.. :>

  3. Tyrmenko Vadim have you looked at the old In Nomine game/setting? If looking for a heaven and hell with mortals caught in between, it might serve as some inspiration.

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