Rules Questions:

Rules Questions:

Rules Questions:

1st: Does taking the Cult Crew special action Conviction (Spend a downtime action in worship at one of your sacred sites to clear half of your stress and carry a bonus die forward toward an action for which you have supplicated your god) satisfy players vice requirement to not take stress from their trauma?

2nd: How does it interact with the Spider’s ability Functioning Vice (When you indulge your vice, you may adjust the outcome by +/-1. An ally who joins in your vice may do the same)

9 thoughts on “Rules Questions:”

  1. Ah. I ruled in my game that it’s vice-equivalent. Frankly, it’s sounds rather worthless (at least stress-wise) if it isn’t – Conviction usually clear 1-3 stress, and if you have a trauma (and why wouldn’t you?) it turns to 0-2 or even -1-1. The bonus die don’t quite compensate for it in my opinion.

  2. Hmm. Maybe it needs tweaking, yeah.

    A bonus die is worth 2 stress, so that balances it, imo. But I can see an argument to make it better than balanced.

    I’ll think it over. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Here’s a more amped up version:

    Conviction: Each PC gains an additional Vice: Worship. When you indulge this vice and bring a pleasing sacrifice, you don’t overindulge if you clear excess stress. In addition, your deity will assist any one action roll you makeā€”from now until you indulge this vice again.

  4. I will say against my own ruling that it made vicing a notch too safe – praying is giving you extra dice and doesn’t risk overindulge, so most of the trouble the crew face is from their own dump and insane plots, not from their vices. They also get less vice XP for the same reasons.

  5. The worship vice is only better if you bring a pleasing sacrifice to your deity. I expect the GM to make that fairly troublesome and interesting. If you don’t bring a sacrifice, it’s like any other vice.

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