Gotta Love this game.

Gotta Love this game.

Gotta Love this game.

You just can’t see it coming.

My guys have just delivered Lyssa to the Inspectors, all banged up and in a box.

They now have an agro Ghost on stick as they wove a Spirit Anchor into the head of a mop and swiped it through him. My Spider is not happy, the other guys were supposed to get rid of the Ghost while he was off at the Opera, not bind it to a stick.

To top it all off, they have just agreed to supply burnt (one of the guys is a Leech with Pyro issues), ghostless (this is where the ghost on a stick comes as he hates other Ghosts and destroys them) corpses to a Demon as a revenue stream on the side.

Looks like other GM’s players are just as creative as mine.

Gonna be playing in a game soon and can’t wait to see how our story pans out.

2 thoughts on “Gotta Love this game.”

  1. Mine just discovered and infiltrated a secret Crews group that hate Lyssa (The Silver Feather) , and used them to destroy the gang from within. I had no idea that Lyssa is bound to a demon before halfway into the haist, but now it’s bond to a crystal and carried arround by our demon-blooded cutter. It was ridiculesly fun.

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