Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

So, my group finished their first score, and I’ll tell you guys about it when I’m feeling less god awful with this cold.

It did bring up a two more questions, though.

1- How to handle alchemicals & the leech

2- How to handle downtime

So for number 1, I notice that a few of the sheets have alchemicals already available – the lurk has the silence potion, the cutter has the rage potion. Presumably that’s just something that those playbooks have ready access to, and they refill between scores.

The Leech, however, has a “bandolier” of alchemicals, with 3 doses. And has two of those. So presumably he can have 3 doses of any alchemical in the list? And the another 3 doses of that same or a different alchemical in the list? And it says he refills the bandolier during downtime.

OK – awesome. So he’s got a bunch of these things, that’s a great way to represent the scientist, medic, or tinkerer while out on a mission.

My question is how that overlaps with the “crafting an alchemical” – in the list of alchemicals there are clocks for crafting them, and the number of doses created. So it requires a clock with 4 slices to get 1 dose of a number of alchemicals or drugs. And some cost more. Why would a Leech ever craft them? You’d be using up two of your downtime actions just to get one dose, when you’re already getting 6 for free? Am I misunderstanding about being able to mark the bandolier equipment while on the mission to have those potions? Or is crafting this something that you just wouldn’t do?

For point 2, I’ll make another post soon 🙂

7 thoughts on “Hi all”

  1. 1a) Actually, the Leech can have up to six doses of any alchemical on the list below the bandoliers–assuming they carry the 2-load bandoliers. Every time the Leech marks off a bandolier slot, she can choose another alchemical from the list; she’s not limited to filling all three slots with the same alchemical.

    1b) There is only one reason for a Leech to craft the alchemicals listed on their sheet. That said, characters who are not Leeches can learn the Alchemist ability by choosing a Veteran advance, and those characters wouldn’t have the Leech’s bandolier.

    As for that one reason, and it’s only indirectly stated in the rules for prison claims in the Quickstart, when you go to Ironhook you have 0-load as a prisoner, unless you take the Smuggling prison claim. So if your Leech is doing hard time and needs a dose of binding oil, she might have to bootleg it in the prison toilet, in which case it’s good to have those rules.

  2. I often feel it’s a bit like Science! in various pulp FATE settings – a relatively generic skill that can cover a multitude of situations. In high fantasy – often magic using characters are the swiss army knife of problem solving. In Cyberpunk, it’s the hacker that has magical use of technology for these things.

  3. Peter- I get that, and I’m on board.

    I just don’t want a situation where you never craft “science” because it’s already in your item list, which seems to be the case. The ability for the leech to craft doesn’t seem worthwhile (except it gives a bonus to resist, which is nice)

    And we can still role play that they craft, without spending a downtime action.

  4. You can also craft alchemicals for your allies. There might be situations where just handing them a dose from the bandoleer might be fictionally implausible.

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