If you want to give Household Renovation of Great and Terrible Power a try, I’m running a casual weekly group…

If you want to give Household Renovation of Great and Terrible Power a try, I’m running a casual weekly group…

If you want to give Household Renovation of Great and Terrible Power a try, I’m running a casual weekly group starting this week!

It’s happening on Fridays at 11 AM Eastern, 3 PM GMT.

We’ll be using Discord for voice chat, so here’s the link. It will probably be a casual game, so you can drop in and out as you please and there’s a recap at the beginning of each session by the default rules, so feel free to make it even if you can only come once!

Household Renovation has its own version of the X-card built into the game, and I’m down to do Veils, etc. Players of all sorts are welcome as long as you have a genuine desire to play my game and are well-versed in the ways of kindness and forgiveness. You might want to bring along a copy of Blades in the Dark v7.1 since my pdf just exists to change those rules.

See you there! Might set up more of these in the future as people want them.



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