Say my blades character is a game master of this niche Tycherosi roleplaying game phenomenon.

Say my blades character is a game master of this niche Tycherosi roleplaying game phenomenon.

Say my blades character is a game master of this niche Tycherosi roleplaying game phenomenon.

My intent is to make a dramatic, entertaining RPG session happen.

My obstacle is that good GMing is often hard to do.

What action am I using? Sway? Consort? Finesse? ATTUNE? (not Attune, unless you want your session to be amazing)

9 thoughts on “Say my blades character is a game master of this niche Tycherosi roleplaying game phenomenon.”

  1. Clearly consort – you are mostly menaging a social event. finess to give your players rigged dice for important rolls. Attune is for noticing the forth wall (desperate position, limited effect, risking a critical existential crisis or existence failure)

  2. Don’t forget study to outmaneuver the rules lawyer and command to scare the players into chipping in for the food from that little Skovian place that delivers.

  3. I (as a well spoken Iruvian) don’t find this GMing business hard at all. Some of my fellow Iruvians craft intricate terrain and figurines to try and evoke a sense of place (Tinker), though I call that a risk. I know some charming Akorosi nobles that write novels others play through, acting out each chorus part with great charm and zeal (Sway).

    You my friend – just have nerves. You’re fine at this. Just calm yourself (Roll Resolve ^_~) then tell us how you’re doing this and well tell you how risky and effective it is.

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