6 thoughts on “Can wanted level go above 4?”

  1. Short answer: No, that’s why there are only 4 boxes.

    Longer answer: It’s never been officially stated, but I think there’s been some discussion that if you ever reached the equivalent of “Wanted Level 5” it’s kinda like filling out all your Trauma boxes, only for a crew. City Wide manhunt ensues, and it becomes impossible for your team to continue on as scoundrels.

  2. Yep, what Mike said. 4 is the max (which essentially puts you in permanent “the Bluecoats are assaulting us” mode, until someone goes to prison).

  3. I look at it like GTA wanted stars, the more you get, the more they’re out looking for you. Do you REALLY want it to get so bad that the Imperial Army is after you?

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