After a very productive Session 0 where we learned about the criminal climate of Doskvol, its social stratas and put…

After a very productive Session 0 where we learned about the criminal climate of Doskvol, its social stratas and put…

After a very productive Session 0 where we learned about the criminal climate of Doskvol, its social stratas and put together an Akorosi regiment from the Skovlan Unity War that transitioned into smuggling highly-controlled medicinal products, we didn’t quite get to the Situation I was working on. But I’m eager to post it nevertheless. (Note: I had some trouble getting some fonts to embed properly.)

4 thoughts on “After a very productive Session 0 where we learned about the criminal climate of Doskvol, its social stratas and put…”

  1. Really interesting. A gang of kids is a surprisingly scary opponent. Especially in the rare case that any of the characters have morals.

  2. Thanks! I didn’t think there was a better choice of layout than the original. And yeah, how are you going to retaliate against The Flies? Bust into an orphanage and massacre a bunch of kids? One of many factors which contributed to their meteoric rise, in my mind.

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