I just ran my first session of Blades.

I just ran my first session of Blades.

I just ran my first session of Blades. Our crew of smugglers named the Mama’s Boys (after their decked out carriage named Mother) started in Bazso’s office even though they were tight with the Red Sashes.

Gun and sword fighting ensues and Mama’s Boys get their nose bloodied but manage to kill Bazso– by summoning a ghost.

The whisper took a devils bargain on summoning the ghost and I said ok you summon it but it’s way more powerful than you intended.

“Can it be Rorics ghost?” they asked.

“Yeah sure!”

So Roric’s ghost possesses Bazso, killing him and taking over Bazso’s body.

Our crew jumps out a third story window onto their flashback prepped Mother waiting under the window and make their escape, leaving Roric/Bazso and the Lampblacks to sort their own shit out.

4 thoughts on “I just ran my first session of Blades.”

  1. How coincidental: I ran a one shot where the crew ended up in Baszo’s room, and then killed him but had to jump out a third story window to make their escape

    Not sure which I like better: your Whisper’s setup, or my Leech’s setup (poison guards, then surprise him with guns).

    Actually, I do.. 🙂 that ghost of Roric setup is a cool idea

  2. Yeah, looks like Lyssa is about to have a big problem on her hands. I like that setup a lot. And now the crew is going to have a really weird relationship with the Lampblacks.

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