Has anyone come anywhere close to dealing with the Emperor in any of their games? If so, how did it go?

Has anyone come anywhere close to dealing with the Emperor in any of their games? If so, how did it go?

Has anyone come anywhere close to dealing with the Emperor in any of their games? If so, how did it go?

6 thoughts on “Has anyone come anywhere close to dealing with the Emperor in any of their games? If so, how did it go?”

  1. My whisperer is the lost son of the Queen of the Leviathans and a submarine war between the emperor antes the Queen is coming.

    The emperor’s seneschal, and his personal whisperer, atract me to a underground secret place where he is construncting and especial submarine for this war and convince me that im only a fool and not the son of a goddess.

    I believed him and retired from my quest but recently lord scurlock visited me and tell me that i not only have the blood of the Queen on my veins maybe a i have the blood of the emperor too. (sorry my english)

  2. The Emperor has been mentioned in passing. In our main game with the Motes, he’s a suckling 10 year old boy, pale and not yet weaned from his ever weary wetnurse. He’s the puppet for the Grand Theosophist of the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh.

  3. He’s apparently been a ‘child’ for as long as folks remember…. His spirit sucked out of his current host body as they reach puberty via ritual and then transposed into the next vessel. Grim.

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