I’m currently in the middle of episode 9 of the bloodletters, and you guys are just the best.

I’m currently in the middle of episode 9 of the bloodletters, and you guys are just the best.

I’m currently in the middle of episode 9 of the bloodletters, and you guys are just the best. I wish I could get my players to watch the episodes, because you guys give a master class on making bad decisions, both to make things interesting but also to get XP and bonus dice. I find my players are much more cautious and invested in their characters continued survival (boo). If I ever get a chance to play blades, I hereby vow to play a deeply flawed and self-destructive character.

4 thoughts on “I’m currently in the middle of episode 9 of the bloodletters, and you guys are just the best.”

  1. I’ve suggested watching the videos to learn how to “get shit done”, Blades-style. My fiancĂ© absolutely loves them and they made her very interested in playing. Thanks to John and his crew!

  2. Cautious play-style is fine Mark. SO how to encourage more risk-worthy actions?

    Tempt them!

    Say sure, you can do that score and grab that bit of turf or macguffin and all will be sweet. But if you take a risk? Well then the rewards are that much sweeter!

    I also hand out tokens (campaign coins copper coins with an ‘x’ on one side and a skull and crossbones on the other) for XP.

    This simple, tangible resource that the players get on Desperate rolls makes them WANT to try desperate actions. Our Hound loves to tinkle his XP coins through his fingers as we play, its so good.

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