Question about advancing attributes/actions. Just want to make sure that I understood that correctly:
There are only two ways to get a tick in the attribute track:
1. Desperate roll with this attribute
2. Training the attribute as a downtime action
For 2. you need the Crew Upgrade for the attribute first.
I ask because advancement came up and playbook advance seems to be a looooot easier than attributes. All the quirks, the vice stuff, good roleplaying counts towards the playbook and only the precious downtime actions (mainly needed for Vice and Recover) are available for the attributes.
You can always train an Attribute/Action section in downtime. Training Upgrade gives you 2 marks for a 1 Downtime training.
Due having 1 downtime and at least 2-4 desperate Rolls per Player/Session, my gamers upgrade 1 dot per 1,25 sessions. Playbook advancements about each 2 sessions.
Vandel J. Arden In the book it says “Mark 1 xp for an attribute or your playbook (if you have the appropriate crew training upgrade). You can train a given trait only once per downtime”. Maybe I switch to your rule and take the x2 factor, too.
My players are more conversative about desperate rollls
Oh mine are escalating very quickly. Very quickly, we sometimes have had 3-4 Desperate rolls from different players to resolve one situation.
Remember the adage from the design post:
Desperate action – > excruciating tension -> impressive failure -> stress and trauma -> incentivised bigger and more risky scores -> wonderful scoundrel fiction
Still trying to convince my players about this point of view Won’t give up on this
You can also mark attribute XP at the end of the session, from the ‘bonus’ XP for roleplaying.
The Training Upgrades giving double xp were in a previous version. In Q6, the crew must have the appropriate upgrade for a PC to take the Train action during downtime. I liked the old rule, because it does feel like attribute XP can be stingy.
What Jason said. A lot of the end of session XP can be allocated anywhere. And if it bothers you, let them mark the ‘tough challenge’ XP anywhere as well.
Mark Griffin Tracking XP anywhere might be a good change overall. My players are always confused about marking XP at different times and in different places.
I let my players mark any XP anywhere except for the XP received from desperate rolls (which goes under the appropriate attribute).
Right spot on what Mark Griffin says