quick PLAYBOOK question.

quick PLAYBOOK question.

quick PLAYBOOK question. I didn’t catch this small change in v5. It’s still there in v6. In earlier versions, the CUTTER had more robust Encumbrance: 4-5-7 as opposed to 3-5-6 for the other Playbooks. I really like the Cutter having that buff and will likely keep it as a house rule, but I was curious as to the rationale.

5 thoughts on “quick PLAYBOOK question.”

  1. It was a tiny exceptional case that annoyed me one day, so I dropped it. It looks like I might have room for another special ability on the new sheet layout, though, so I might bring it back as a little bonus in another ability.

  2. John Harper: Ironically, I didn’t pick up the game until v5, but I double-checked the Load numbers on each playbook because I expected them to vary slightly. I was kind of surprised that the Cutter didn’t have more Heavy Load.

  3. I was thinking of giving the Cutter some kind of “they can always conceal a weapon on them” type of ability, but that doesn’t seem cool enough for an ability in itself. Handy and narratively interesting, but it sure doesn’t compare to “NOT TO BE TRIFLED WITH,” for instance.

    Maybe adding in the increased load to that might make it worth taking?

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