What with John Harper’s new building profile art, and me re-playing Dishonoured and Stuart Robertson posting awesome…

What with John Harper’s new building profile art, and me re-playing Dishonoured and Stuart Robertson posting awesome…

What with John Harper’s new building profile art, and me re-playing Dishonoured and Stuart Robertson posting awesome stuff about paper mini ‘Theatre’… https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-eKCNNk8TgnE/Vv3BBHL1INI/AAAAAAAABHs/Luoxt5PjVCsCFz8QSLzLnZ7Q9R04sOavw/w812-h834-no/c7f929b8-877a-42e7-b8a8-f58064bced41

I was inspired to try and combine these ideas. So something along the lines of these thugs, turned into paper minis and then using John’s Backdrops to ‘set the scene’ for a score. It may also help in a fictional positioning sense.

Anyways, just ideas. I’ll try and mock something up for Ettin Con.


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