John Harper Your evocative description of Brightstone in Six Towers Gang Ep VI makes me hungry for more details…

John Harper Your evocative description of Brightstone in Six Towers Gang Ep VI makes me hungry for more details…

John Harper Your evocative description of Brightstone in Six Towers Gang Ep VI makes me hungry for more details about the rest of the city. Any chance you can share short descriptions similar to the Faction and Shattered Isles write ups?

2 thoughts on “John Harper Your evocative description of Brightstone in Six Towers Gang Ep VI makes me hungry for more details…”

  1. Hey Nathaniel! I think John will… That said, there is nothing stopping you coming up with some short evocative descriptions of your own! Andrew Shields is a master of short snappy descriptions that give plenty of hooks for the players to latch onto. Maybe he could share one or two?

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