John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the graphic design and Layout of the current Claims box, but this seems intriguing somehow, the Hexes giving 6 possible ‘portals’ for each claim. Plus the randomising factor for selecting a particular claim for heists, attacks, consequences etc.

There is also the possibility of having a Doskvol overlay, for particular districts for example. The map faded as an underneath layer.

Originally shared by Ben Milton

The Real-ish Greg Gorgonmilk , you’d be interested in this.

6 thoughts on “John Harper, could we use something like this for the Crew Claims sheet?”

  1. This is cool!

    But the claims map in Blades should be a simple prompt, imo, not a complex or exhaustive network. I want players to feel like they can go “off the grid” when it doesn’t suit them, rather than trying to capture everything on the map.

    But there may be hacks that could use a hex-map approach like this.

  2. I think it’s a bit like Dungeon Worlds in Blades – maps with blanks. Or possibly more like a Tube map in London. The claims map doesn’t correlate directly with the physical map, and is an abstraction. Each node could be anywhere in the city in any direction. The paths are for progression convenience, not ease of travel I don’t know how you could block all but two paths to any hex without it looking weird.

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