I know it says “looking for players”, I’m looking for a group where I can be a player though. Is there anyone looking for more players? I’ve run one session of the game as GM, and I’ve played a lot of rpgs in general.
I can play from 18:00 CET weekdays and pretty much anytime during Fridays or Saturdays.
Adam Sexton? Willing to run?
I have a Roll20 listing if you are interested:
Yea, I’d love to join. Unfortunately that time is in the middle of my workday 🙁
Hey man no worries that time is just a place holder, we have yet to work out an official time.
Yea, sweet. Let’s do some crimin’ 😛
Nathaniel James I’m assuming Nathaniel J on Roll20 was you? Are you still interested in playing, we have space?
Yeah it was, and I’m absolutely interested. I’m CST (-6) In the US.
Nathaniel James Cool well hop onto Roll20 when you get the chance and accept the invite I sent you. We’ll sort stuff out from there.