Really excited by the stuff in the v6 PDF! I’ve been running Blades with one of my gaming groups on off weeks and they’ve been building quite a reputation as the Devil’s Arsonists, involved in lots of arcane hijinks; this version answered a lot of questions we had.
Two questions I have after looking over v6:
–The Leech character sheet on page 35 shows 3 doses of alchemicals per bandolier, but the Alchemy rules on page 63 say that each bandolier holds 4. Which is correct?
–The Hound character sheet on page 34 has the ‘Ghost Hunter’ ability, which gives their hunting pet arcane abilities. Is there any specific explanation of what these abilities do, or are we left to our own imaginations? The player I have playing a Hound seems really keen to pick this special ability, but I don’t have any clear-cut answers for him on what it’ll do so he hasn’t yet.
Thanks in advance for any help or insight!
Regarding the Hound ability, I asked my hound player to tell me what that ability meant to him, and we went from there. Once a fictional detail is assigned, it either lets the player do things he couldn’t usually do (like send his pet through a wall to attack guards in another room) or perhaps increases effect or position of a roll (sending your pet to chase down that pickpocket is a dominant roll because he’s so unbelievably fast). It’s a short list, and I don’t think there is a ton of wiggle room regarding what those things actually mean though.
3 doses per bandolier is correct.
The ghost hunter abilities are:
– Ghost Form: The pet can shift fully into the ghost field. (See the Ghost playbook for details on ghost form)
– Mind-link: The hound can communicate with the pet telepathically, and can see/hear/sense through the link.
– Arrow-swift: The pet is very fast, able to move as swiftly as an arrow in flight.
Thanks for the replies! Very helpful information. 🙂 I’d surmised mostly what the Ghost Hunter abilities could mean, but a lot of our players(myself included!) are more used to systems where specific abilities usually have more detailed and specific writeups, so it’s something of a transition getting used to it. This is not in any way a bad thing — part of what I love about running Blades is the freedom it gives me and my players!
Yeah, Blades is a bit different. 🙂 Just for fun:
Ghost Form: The creature can transition to an incorporeal state as a free action. While incorporeal, it takes half damage (rounded down) from physical attacks and also deals half damage (rounded down) to physical targets. It may attempt to pass through a solid surface of 1m thickness or less by succeeding at a FORT save. Failure stuns the creature for 1 round. While incorporeal, the creature gains flight (30’/round) or gains an aditional 10′ per round of flight movement if it is already a flying creature. Returning to normal form costs a move action.
:-p :-p