I love the Actual Play Reports, but I could really go for some that include some of the mechanics as well…

I love the Actual Play Reports, but I could really go for some that include some of the mechanics as well…

I love the Actual Play Reports, but I could really go for some that include some of the mechanics as well (specifically the QS version 5 system). I read them, and think I understand them, but I’d really like to see some examples of how they are used. 

7 thoughts on “I love the Actual Play Reports, but I could really go for some that include some of the mechanics as well…”

  1. White Wolf had a few projects where they had the “fiction” in one column and the “mechanics” in a column next to it. I wasn’t in general impressed by the fiction in the examples, but it remains a cool idea. 

  2. The full rules will have examples that should allow you to comprehend the system properly. You could also learn by doing and run a quick game with yourself and learn how the rules work that way. Someone was talking of doing a flowchart that led you through the steps for a scene. Keep an eye out for that in the Community.

  3. I could take a crack at it at some point, but a day later it’s hard to remember how the mechanics went exactly for everything. Also I frequently play fast and loose with the rules (which this system handles pretty gracefully).

    I recall there was something exactly like what you’re asking for in the original QS, although it was rather short. My guess is that it will make a comeback in the future though.

  4. Cameron Hays If you are a backer then look at the April version of the QS. It has a comprehensive example on pages 13 through 15. It isn’t obviously current but does help.

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