Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.

If you rolled up a score from your hunting grounds, does the target need to be one of the factions near your hunting grounds.

Or more broadly do all scores need to be tied to some faction?

4 thoughts on “Was just wondering how everyone has been setting up the scores and how they tie in with factions.”

  1. I’m fairly certain regular scores conducted within a crew’s hunting ground don’t affect faction status -unless there is an in fiction reason for it to do so (for example luring Mylera into “Then Drop”, then robbing her there is sure to annoy the Red Sashes regardless).

    I would suggest that just “farming” the hunting grounds will have ever diminishing returns for the PC crew, as there is only so much steal-able loot within a relatively small fixed area – maybe reduce the number of dice for each subsequent fortune roll to find suitable scores, then maybe as they gain turf, the opportunities improve?

    There are no claims in the hunting grounds, and scores to gain a claim will always have an impact on one or more of the other factions.

  2. I can’t find it now, but I am pretty sure John Harper​ said that one of the points of hunting grounds was to give young crews a way to pull off scores without enraging any factions before they are ready to deal with the blowback. They’ll get coin and XP, but no rep or claims.

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