I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting…

I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting…

I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting info?”. Which is good because they’ve taken the hook, but I’m worried I won’t be able to set it with what’s in v5. I know the full game will have more robust setting coverage, but is there more info about Duskwall and the islands online somewhere? Will more be coming out soonish?

One thought on “I’m starting to get serious interest from my player group, but a common theme I’m hearing is “where is the setting…”

  1. Look at the games and books mentioned and tell l them it’s like those. Does anyone really want all the details of a setting before they play or do they see that discovering it through play is always interesting and helps the GM do less work before the start.

    I’m sure that the QS, that’s the document that we’re all seeing now, is mostly mechanics and the full book (due in a month maybe?) will have all the details. Anyway how many of your players will buy and read the full books before deciding if they are going to play? Smacks of fobbing you off with it’s not detailed enough rather than saying we don’t want to play this.

    You can get a copy of John’s Rails of the Imperium game to get a map of the world and some more details but really https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dishonored will give you something to see if your players are really interested.

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