Prepping for my game tonight I was going through the v5 QS and noticed that while the Spider has been added to the…

Prepping for my game tonight I was going through the v5 QS and noticed that while the Spider has been added to the…

Prepping for my game tonight I was going through the v5 QS and noticed that while the Spider has been added to the playbook options there is no Spider Connection on p48 Scores.

Is this something for the next update or something intentional?

2 thoughts on “Prepping for my game tonight I was going through the v5 QS and noticed that while the Spider has been added to the…”

  1. That’s an error. In fact, I’m re-doing the connections table so it’s simpler and distributes results in a more sensible way. Right now, it looks like this:

    1. PC: Friend

    2. PC: Rival

    3. PC: Vice Purveyor

    4. Crew: Contact

    5. City: Duskwall Notable

    6. Weird: Ghost, Demon, Forgotten God

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