Is anyone familiar with the game Dark Streets?

Is anyone familiar with the game Dark Streets?

Is anyone familiar with the game Dark Streets? It seems like it has a lot of thematic similarities to BitD. The description:

London, 1749: A city of vice, crime and misery. Gangs of ruffians rule the streets, unopposed. Brothels proliferate. Child-beggars starve in filthy gutters. Corrupt night-watchmen and thief-takers turn a blind eye to wrongdoing. And dark creatures lurk in back alleys, called from beyond by the desperate with nothing left to lose.

But there is a new force on the streets of London; for the author and magistrate Henry Fielding has teamed up with his brother John to form the city’s first police force – the Bow Street Runners. The Fieldings have persuaded parliament to fund their crime-fighting endeavour, but they know that there is something behind the vice – for John Fielding’s blind eyes can see things that others cannot – things that man was not meant to know.

3 thoughts on “Is anyone familiar with the game Dark Streets?”

  1. Not really, that’s an historic game where players are the police, not the criminals. I think there’s more in common with Mistborn thematically (but not mechanically)

  2. If you think theres a ton of difference between cops and robbers, you havent watch cable or been to the movies since the 50s. 🙂

    I think it would be very simple to swap in London for Duskwall, and equally simple to have the crew be police trying to restore order to a lawless, mythos soaked city. I’d want to wait for the full game to have more to play with, but Dark Streets is filled with factions, places and NPCs that would fit right in with BitD.

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