The Blades in the Dark Heist Deck now has a trimmed down version available in .pdf form!

The Blades in the Dark Heist Deck now has a trimmed down version available in .pdf form!

The Blades in the Dark Heist Deck now has a trimmed down version available in .pdf form!

This includes 30 obstacles (without scaling suggestions), 20 powerful people, and 20 treasures. You can print the cards out yourself.

5 thoughts on “The Blades in the Dark Heist Deck now has a trimmed down version available in .pdf form!”

  1. Can I ask why you trimmed this down? Most people that were asking for a print n play were because outside printing/shipping made this an issue. Offering the pdf is great, but I would consider paying a few dollars more for the deck as promoted in print. Instead you offer a limited deck..which means you are still only offering it in its entirety if you go through printing it with Game Crafter.

  2. Consider the .pdf deck an effort to be responsive to those who would not have access to this heist generator in print.

    With what’s in the deck, even if you discarded each result after drawing it, that’s 10 heists that could be randomized (and reinterpreting results that come up more than once is part of reinforcing the feel of the city.)

    The .pdf deck is promotional. I think it will satisfy the desire of people who want a closer look at the deck, and it allows a level of access for people in places where shipping is a prohibitive expense. 

    We’re looking at DriveThruCards for possibly making another version of the deck, to address the point of only offering it through Game Crafter. I’m still trying to find something online that explains how their shipping model is better.

    In the meantime, I think it’s pretty great that we got the .pdf version you can now access turned around in a week!

  3. Andrew Shields I look forward to full print options for international bozos like myself! This looks like the kind of product that could really help Blades GMs, and maybe even help some groups to play GM-less!

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