Question regarding a crew of Cultists.

Question regarding a crew of Cultists.

Question regarding a crew of Cultists.

Assume they begin with an Artifact/Supplication, much like in the quick start Thieves starting with a hunting ground?

Anyone have an idea what they can be used for mechanically?

I’m thinking using their quality as teamwork for related occult actions but wouldn’t mind knowing the official slant on it.

5 thoughts on “Question regarding a crew of Cultists.”

  1. The purpose of these crew resources (Hunting Grounds, Artifacts & Supplications, Smuggling Routes, etc.) is to generate potential scores that don’t directly impose on another faction.

    So, if you have an Artifact of the God of The Silent Song, you might use it to generate an occult score. The GM can roll your Artifact quality as a fortune roll to see if there are any current opportunities related to it (maybe you can consecrate it under a blood moon to secure the attention of the god, or something). This would be a score that’s concerned only with your own Cult’s resources, and thus would (probably) not piss off another faction directly — unlike most other scores.

  2. You (probably) won’t get negative faction status from it. And you can undertake the score on your own terms, so it’s very likely to be lower heat if you don’t screw it up.

    But otherwise you follow the rules as normal.

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