Finally sat with friends & burned up the scoundrels of The Way of Vooris Cult.

Finally sat with friends & burned up the scoundrels of The Way of Vooris Cult.

Finally sat with friends & burned up the scoundrels of The Way of Vooris Cult. Here’s a pinterest board with inspiration plus scans of the character & crew sheets.

Roll call:

Tick Tock the Leech, a calm, wiry mechanic from Tycheros

Cross the Whisper, a dark, fierce minor noble also from Tycheros

Skinner the Hound, a brooding, cold sniper from Iruvia

They worship Vooris, an alluring yet cruel old God who wants ghosts to be free to roam and not incinerated in electropasm.

Their lair is hidden beneath an aqueduct, with cavernous underground arches and space to expand into, once the rubble & detritus of generations of neglect, flooding, subsidence & rebuilding have been dealt with.

The funniest moment of the evening was the players of Tick Tock & Cross pronouncing Tycheros differently, with Cross saying “Tie-ker-rose” and Tick Tock “Titch-er-oss”, leading them to decide the nobility (Cross) and commoners (Tick Tock) actually pronounce it differently. Which led on to many attempts at what they are called as a people “Tiekeronians”, “Tycherosites”, “Tykes” and on, and on…

Oh, as they don’t have the quarters upgrade they decided they rent a room above a noodle bar (not far from the aqueduct), which was where he two Tykerites met.

Also, the leader of their cult (also a Titcheroonian) recently died and as yet none of the PCs have taken over the leadership so it’s a loose triumvirate.

Looking forward to the next session πŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Finally sat with friends & burned up the scoundrels of The Way of Vooris Cult.”

  1. Tick Tock has a demonic tail slender enough to hide in his breaches. Cross hasn’t chosen hers yet, glowing eyes was mentioned. Drew Harpunea​ have you decided yet?

  2. Paul Drussel I’m torn between something fairly inhuman and horrific like “eyes that weep a small but constant flow of blood” or something more subtle like “fangs and eyes that glow a faint red” πŸ™‚

    Hi John Harper ! πŸ™‚ – One question I had on the quick start rules: on p41 it lists the starting territory as hunting grounds suitable for burglaries or robberies (provided by the ward boss Lyssa) This feels to me like an option intended for the Thieves crew, and perhaps less applicable to the Cult crew (which we are. Our Cult crew’s thing is working in the illicit spirit trade – we have links into corrupt members of the Spirit Wardens and Bellweather Crematorium, and our skills etc are around capturing and controlling spirits. Should we adapt this starting territory to reflect our Cultish crew, or does everyone start with the burglaries/robberies hunting grounds? Cheers, and I can’t wait to start, our first session shold be Sunday!

  3. Hunting Grounds are for Thieves, yes.

    The Cult sheet has space for Artifacts & Supplications, instead. They fill the same mechanical niche, which is to generate new scores.

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