So, what is the craziest thing any of you have seen a crew do in your games.

So, what is the craziest thing any of you have seen a crew do in your games.

So, what is the craziest thing any of you have seen a crew do in your games. For me it was when in the game I was running the crew was thinking of what to do to go up to tier 1. In the end they decided on a daring raid into the heart of the lair of their deadly enemies the Red Sashes…  To steal Mylera Klev’s underwear.

In what is now known as the most epic panty raid of all time  they had their whisper summon the poltergeist of a 12 year old boy to help them (because really what other ghost is going to answer this kind of call?) in the end there was a fight with the second in command (our cutters old instructor) the ghost setting fire to the room with all the Sashes gunpowder, and a hurried escape on their boat as Mylera returned from a meeting with another gang swearing vengeance and becoming our cutter’s newest crush. Oh and they also took her art collection, but it was mostly an afterthought.

I’m kind of scared what’s going to happen when I reboot my campaign in a week or two.

One thought on “So, what is the craziest thing any of you have seen a crew do in your games.”

  1. My crew of certifiable nutters raided a hidden warehouse where the remnant of the Lampblacks had hidden all the drugs they’d secured, and the gunpowder they’d purchased on loan. Of course, the whisper had already informed me that the drugs were extremely explosive and opened one up to possession when inhaled, and the crew’s hound is a bit of a pyro. In the end they leveled the block somewhat unintentionally and it rained drugs and ash for hours onto the slums. They ended up passing enough resistant tests to crawl out through the baked air of the sewers, but about one hundred people went insane with possession and the war they were apart of went cold as martial law was imposed. The Bellweather Crematorium was extremely busy for the next few days.

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