I have a question about effect.

I have a question about effect.

I have a question about effect. The rules say that extreme effect should be uncommon, is it possible to scale beyond even extreme given enough positive factors or is that the “ceiling” of effect?

It seems that given the correct advances some playbooks can easily gain advantages in all factors,(Cutter is a good example)making it fairly easy to stack even beyond Extreme. Is that intended?

Just got to the party thanks to the early access PDF, can’t wait to dive in and explore the game. Love what I’m seeing so far!

4 thoughts on “I have a question about effect.”

  1. I would use common sense here, in the cutter example there’s only so dead you can make someone. If the effect would really be that extreme I would consider shortening or removing the clock,  and if that’s not enough adjust the position. If you still think you aren’t representing how awesomely they should be doing the task then… let them describe it without a roll.

  2. My house rule has been that effect never goes below Limited or above Extreme.

    The lower bound is so that “you do it …” always counts. There are few crappier experiences, for me, than making a successful roll and then doing a bunch of math to learn that your “success” doesn’t count.

    The upper bound is, in fact, for cases like the Cutter. After a while, you just want to stop counting. “Okay, so you’ve got a heavy weapon, and it’s fine, and you’re Not To Be Trifled With, and you’re high on rage essence, and, okay, fine, yeah, extreme effect. Tell me what shape her corpse is in when you’re done.”

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