Blades in the Dark: Digital Edition Early Access

Blades in the Dark: Digital Edition Early Access

Blades in the Dark: Digital Edition Early Access

If you missed the kickstarter, fear not! You can buy the early access digital edition over here on DriveThruRPG:

The PDF is the current quick start that the kickstarter backers have. As I update the game in progress, you’ll also receive the newest files up to and including the future finished game PDF.

74 thoughts on “Blades in the Dark: Digital Edition Early Access”

  1. Just had a quick glance now. I’m pleased to see Forgotten Gods – that appeals to the Thief fan in me as a Pagan faction (actually there’s so much occult in all the factions that any could have themes from the Pagans), but we’ve got no pro-technology factions as such (like the Hammerites and Mechanists), seeking to quash the occult

  2. Peter Cobcroft In Thief terms, the Sparkwrights and the Spirit Wardens are probably the closest to the Mechanists and Hammerites, respectively. They’re not the same, of course — the Spirit Wardens police the occult but also employ arcane tools themselves.

    I just realized that the description of the Sparkwrights is missing from the faction sheet. I need to add that back. But here it is:

    Sparkwrights: The engineers responsible for maintaining the lightning barriers. Also pioneers of new electroplasmic technology, often indulging in dangerous research.

  3. Hmm, now I am wondering if they are most likely to be the main suppliers of security services – devices and private guards…

    Also on page numbers again, I noticed with the bit that refers to the faction hierarchy table on page 43 – it’s not numbered. Are you keeping numbers off the pages that players are likely to photocopy for use?

  4. Page 16, 3rd paragraph, last sentence “unknowns factors” (should be unknown factors)

    Page 17, last paragraph in the Assist description “part it in” (part in it)

  5. Will the people who purchase through drivethrurpg get any of the kickstarter extras? I missed out on the kickstarter, but I’m very interested in the various hacks.

  6. The playsets are owned by their various authors so they’ll decide when and how to make them available. (I predict they’ll all be linked from the Blades website once that’s up and running)

    My own add-ons for Duskwall (Rail Jacks, Bluecoats) will be included in the DriveThru PDF. And I suspect the Leech, Grifters, and Vigilantes will end up in the core materials, as well.

  7. I just purchased the early access after having missed the kickstarter and I’m extremely excited for the finished game.

    Is there any way I can upgrade to get the source files to create hacks?

  8. That’s so awesome.  I missed out on the Kickstarter, didn’t even know it was going down.  Would be nice to get some of the perks after the fact through fiscal means where as others got a chance to take advantage of an opportunity.

  9. Brandon Perkins agreed. I only started tabletop gaming last year in February and had no idea that the Blades in the Dark Kickstarter was going on. But now I wish I could have backed it. Is there anyway we can purchase the extra content from the Kickstarter when it is finished?

  10. Loving the possibilities with this game!

    I’ve been slowly working my way brought the playtests on YouTube and wrapping my noggin around the V6 update. All I have to say is, I hope there will be a preorder for the physical book! Been trying to minimize/shrink my physical rpg library but this is one game I’m going to want to be able to carry everywhere with me for a while once it’s out.

  11. Hey John Harper, one of our players of the motes (Drav the hound) said he wanted to take ‘bloodthirsty’ as his trauma. It’s listed in the description on page 7, but not in the following column or the character sheets…

    I’m happy for him to take it, cause it’s a cool trauma, but has it been omitted on purpose?

  12. I noticed on the Kickstarter messages you will be using backerkit to allow backers to add other stuff to their orders.. will non backers be able to get in on the action?

  13. I’m not sure if Backerkit allows that or not. If not, I’ll see about setting up another pre-order page or something for non-backers that want to get the hardcover.

  14. I’m not sure if it’s viable, but as a backer I’m totally OK with opening the KS to late backers and wouldn’t feel cheated in the least. I don’t feel backing it as an exclusive club of sorts and would love to see as many people enjoy what we’re getting, cuz it’s awesome. Modiphius has always done this, AFAIK.

  15. Would love to buy a physical (preferably hardcover) copy of this but an making do with the digital for now. Read a friend’s copy of the current version cover to cover and loved it so want to buy my own copy to support the game and stay up to date.

    At the top, it says that if you buy the early access version, you get future updates for free. Practically, how does this work? Are they emailed or is the file just updated on DriveThru and you just need to go download it again?

    Any answers gladly welcomed, especially if there is any answers about being able to buy or preorder a physical copy.

  16. When you buy it through DriveThru, you’ll get an email notification every time the file is updated. Then you can go download it.

    I’m pretty sure that Backerkit will allow me to handle new pre-orders for the book. I’ll confirm that once I have it set up and switched on.

  17. John Harper​ Thanks, that’s great. I’ll pick up the digital copy after the weekend, once the new update goes up.

    It’s looking like a really exciting system so far.

    One of my players asked about whether it included the relationship system like Apocalypse World. I know it wasn’t in v6 and I don’t think it necessarily needs that particular mechanic, but is that a planned future update at all?

  18. Blades doesn’t have a system like Hx in Apocalypse World. You do express your relationships as part of play, but you don’t track them with numbers.

  19. Speaking of rules and such, how much would you say Blades has changed from your original vision since the KS was funded? Does it feel like an entirely new game or just more polished? Has is become bigger/more popular than you expected?

    As an aside, I’ve noticed that people who aren’t really fans of “storygames” as such, think highly of Blades. IMO, that’s high praise. You gotta be proud.

    Oh, have you given thought to letting late backers in?

  20. Antimatter You’ll be able to pre-order a special edition hardcover when the Backerkit goes live at the end of the month. That’s the only time it will be available.

    You’ll be able to order the standard print edition from the Evil Hat webstore (or your local game store) in the future.

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