If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to…

If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to…

If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to play with a new GM, I’d like to run a stand-alone score.

6 thoughts on “If anyone has time this Sunday at 2:00 pm Mountain Time (1:00 pm PT, 3:00 pm CT, 4:00 pm ET), and the patience to…”

  1. VULTURE. Drav Hellers, Lurk, a lanky and droopy scion of the Akorosian nobility fallen on hard times when his family (who were involved in espionage internally and abroad) fell out of favor. 

    Telda, a beggar with surprising influence, doesn’t like him because he isn’t poor enough and his family isn’t miserable enough (or something.) His best friend is Roslyn Kellis, a noble who was allies with his family once. They just can’t be seen together. You understand.

    As a noble he learned to delegate and command, and his family taught him the delicate art of surveying the situation. He learned how to hunt and study on his own, and trained for some finesse and relative expertise prowling.

    “Shadow” special ability. And he’s ready to go!

  2. I am also interested.  Here’s my pitch:

    KESTRAL, Remira “Remi” Kinclaith.  HOUND.  Military Deserter.

    Born in Akoros, she signed up with the Empire to fight for Skovlan Unity, but deserted after her ship foundered at sea.  Being outside the lightning barriers, they were accosted by spirits.  Remi survived, and for a long while thought that she was the only one.  Remi was outside the city and unwilling to return to the army.  She found a tenuous refuge working with Severosi mercenaries (the Silver Nails) and she learned how to hunt spirits.  That is also when she trained her Mastiff, Brindle.  When the Silver Nails became a cartel, Remi was no longer welcome and she had to make her own way in the world.

    Remi’s Mastiff is a ghost hunter and the two of them have an uncanny ability to communicate.  Her only friend left with the Silver Nails is Casta, a ruthless Severosi bounty hunter.  Since returning to the city, Remi has learned of another survivor from her wreck during the war, Celene.  Celene stayed true to the Empire and was rewarded with an office among the Bluecoats.  Remi knows that Celene would likely want to make an example of an outlaw and deserter, regardless of their history together.

    Remi kept her fine rifle from her mercenary days, and stays alive with her valuable Insight.  She is a skilled Hunter, and has some Finesse from her days riding with the Severosi.  She is also cautious, taking time to Survey the field before a hunt and Attune to less visible threats.  She values people for the information she can gain from them.  She Studies her contacts carefully and Consorts with mercenaries and criminals to inform her actions.  She has a fierce, bony look and an obsession with spirits from the sea.

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