Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Idea: Early Access PDF Deal

Here’s a thing I’m considering. What do you think?

I get a lot of requests from people who missed the kickstarter, about buying in late, or getting a pre-order deal, or whatever. I’ve had nebulous plans of various sorts but haven’t put anything in motion.

Now I’m considering something similar to what indie video games have done: offering a digital “early access” product on DriveThru RPG. Basically, it would be the current quick start PDF, for sale at the standard Blades PDF price. You’d get early access to the basic content now, plus all future updates to the game (including the finished complete game PDF).

This deal would not include the special edition add-ons from the kickstarter (since my arrangement with those content creators was limited to the KS only). It would be the core Blades stuff only.

What do you think? Good idea? I especially care what KS backers think. I don’t want to make your current early access ‘less special’ but maybe that’s not a big deal.

53 thoughts on “Idea: Early Access PDF Deal”

  1. As backer i’m totally fine with it. The more the merrier. I think the backer had an early access influence until now and that already is worth something. Also I’m getting what I was promised – exclusivity is a somewhat strange demand from backers. (Getting less than non-backers would be an issue, like full version delivery before backers got theirs)

  2. I think this is an excellent idea. Allowing more folks access to the game early on is always a bonus, in my opinion. I’m not worried about exclusivity as a backer, but if I were I’d expect the lack of KS only content in the “early access” product to make up for that.

  3. As a kickstarter backer, i don’t feel infringed upon by having “early access” opened up to other potential Blades in the Dark players.  I actually like the idea, as i think anything that helps continue to build the community means there will be more opportunities for ME to play and reap the rewards of my early buy-in through kickstarter.

    As a backer who has been watching since the campaign and is eager for its release, though, i would offer a suggestion – I’d make it clear to buyers what they’re getting, whether it’s early access to the final game, or access to watch the game develop, and perhaps to help play test rules changes.  

    while i trust your instincts and am confident that the final game will be well polished and a helluva lot of fun, i have quit following the updates and now i’m patiently awaiting the final state of the game before i relearn and jump back into Duskwall.  I’d be careful to market your idea of “early access” as accurately as you can to avoid any bad press or hard feelings from folks who might otherwise really love Blades in the Dark if they waited to get their hands on the final game.

  4. Providing people who missed the Kickstarter a legitimate way to access and financially support your development work is an excellent idea.

    The funds may help your development work progress, which Kickstarter backers have already lent their money so they should see the sense in that. Game development may also benefit from more people play-testing, as well as all the benefits that come from continuing to build the community and the interest around the game through more words in front of readers and more game play around tables.

  5. We do this through Backerkit for all of Magpie Games projects, which allows us to take preorders and distribute digital downloads pretty easily. 😀

    As a backer, I’m happy to see more people playing the game!

  6. I think it’s all round good idea. The more people playing, and supporting, Blades the better. Also having been ‘late to party’ for some other Kickstarted games I dislike backer exclusives anyway – even when I’m a backer.

  7. I was slightly disappointed after I read the title only to find out you weren’t actually releasing a draft of the full book…

    But as a backer, I’m perfectly fine with this! 

  8. I’m a backer, and I back this proposal as well. The more people can acces this, the better. As it has been said, just make sure that it’s all properly explained…

    One doubt, though… Drivethrurpg has a way to tell costumers that the files had been updated? I think I remember something like this, but I’m not sure…

    Also, the final price is blocked, right? I was wondering, with the changes in the development due to the extensive playtesting, the page count and contents will be still in the same aproximate extension?

  9. As a KS backer and pseudo content creator I personally don’t mind if in future you make avaiable to non bakers the “KS only” contents, in a similar way to this. If someone appreciate the game and want to give something to you I don’t see a problem to let them do it.

  10. I think releasing the quick start as an independent product is a great idea. The quickstart will be different than the game; somewhat stripped down, loaded with deliberate questions, and aimed at doing pretty much one arc.

    I think when the final project is done, having the quick start and the main rule book would be helpful for someone coming to the game for the first time. They could use the quickstart to focus the learning curve and get started, and mine the book for more depth and support and options to introduce at their own pace.

    My main recommendation is to deliberately have a player section and a GM section, so you can focus a small page count on what players need to participate and have more structure and support for the one running the game.

    Go for it!

  11. (For “Guns of Telluria” I plan to have the quickstart and the game both available when I’m done, so I’m basically saying not only do I think it’s a good idea, I’m planning to do something similar.)

  12. It is not a big deal for me as baker. But I’m strongly agree with Andrew Shields. Separate QuickStart will rocketlaunch newcomers.

    By the way you can add it later as QuickStart and have it as preview by now for early access.

    Two ghosts by one harpoon, as someone says.

  13. Backer here, sounds like a good idea; It’s been making me kinda sad to have to tell people “I’m sorry you missed the Kickstarter, there’s nothing you can do to get this game right now.”

    The only way this sort of thing could offend me is if people buying in this way started to get things I had been promised before I also had access to them. (Simultaneous access is fine, or even desirable.)

  14. Backer as well here. Definitely in favor of this. I don’t consider exclusivity as something important or even desirable for a KS – especially for an RPG, as many pointed out already.

    All i care about is that you have the resources you need to make the game as awesome as possible. Opening early access to to more people will actually help that!

  15. I’m a backer and support anything that gets more fans for your product.

    I will add though that I’ve stopped paying any attention to the preview stuff. I want the main game in its final state and really the only thing that I’d vote against is a delay to the game release.

  16. Seems good to give non backers a way to give you money. Two of us in our group backed it, some of the others might be interested in paying, I don’t know.

  17. I don’t think the Kickstarter made even intimations that the playtest stuff would be restricted. And… why? We all get more people interested in playing, more people get to enjoy a game, you get money, everyone wins.

    As a backer I’d also fully support the exclusives becoming non-exclusive down the line. Or immediately. I don’t want to keep my goodies to myself. I want everyone to come enjoy them with me! Obvious difficult for physical items that require manufacturing, and I understand that there’s a marketing reason for Kickstarter exclusives, but c’mon. Roleplaying is better when everyone has all the toys.

  18. The various add-ons will be available outside the KS — each author owns their work and can sell it however they like. I expect most if not all of them will be available through links at the (forthcoming) Blades website.

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