This morning’s game of Blades went faster than Friday’s game mostly because three of the four players were KS…

This morning’s game of Blades went faster than Friday’s game mostly because three of the four players were KS…

This morning’s game of Blades went faster than Friday’s game mostly because three of the four players were KS backers and knew a bit about the game and game system even not having played it.

After the usual intro from Bazso Baz he gave the crew the task of stopping a merchant who had been smuggling material lin for his business and threatening the livelihood of one of Baz’s preferred vendors. As the material was elctroplasm of high quality the trade had to be halted. The team traced the courier from the docks having identified him at the merchant’s house. The friendship of a guard at the dock allowed the crew to identify the potential routes used and the Whisper deployed his arcane knowledge to find the ghost tunnel that was getting past the customs house.

Follwing the courier on his next trip the team ambushed him as he exited the tunnel with two following him and doing tohe snatch and the oetrhs standing by to grab the bundle and snipe him from on high. The two man team fumbled the grab but the other managed to grab teh parcel but the courier got away. Luckily the backstop of the Hound took him down from a nearby roof. As a result Baz was well pleased and they got to do a downtime action before being summoned back to the coal warehouse for another job.

This time a merchant suspected his wife of having an affair and wanted proof. The crew followed teh wife and found out she was going ot a run down house and so were several others ate various times of day. A bit of digging revealed that the house contained one Grace and extortionist friend of the Cutter. A friendly chat in the gambling house that fed their mutual vice and the expenditure of 1 coin to gain an extra die meant that the truth was out. The woman wasn’t having an affair but was being blackmailed over her past behaviour. Keeping it secret from her family and her newish husband was all important.

This posed an interesting problem as the players brought some 20th century attitudes to the game and only teh Cutter’s insistence on not damaging his friendship with Grace and only telling Baz that the wife was not having and affair would do saved teh day. SO they good another ‘Well Done’ from Baz and some more Coin.

This ended two great games of Blades over the weekend and provided a look at the system for eight more players keen to see the finished product. All agreed that a longer game would be great fun and one suggested that bringing to Longcon next July for two days and about twelve hours of gaming might get a great campaign emerging from the longer/multiple sessions.

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