Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

I’m visiting my old gaming group in NJ next weekend and wanted to put together a one-shot of BiTD for them. As I’m digesting the latest quickstart, I’m having a hard time coming up with a plot for a 4-hour run. Trying to look for some post-Halloween spooky elements. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

5 thoughts on “Hi Everyone”

  1. Sometimes just rolling on the random score tables can be quite inspiring.

    I just rolled this:

    You are working for a Merchant or Shopkeeper, who wants you to Blackmail or Discredit a Captain at a Brightstone location. The trouble: Traps (deadly or entangling).

     Show twist: A seer has foreseen this job and warned the parties involved.

    Rolling on the NPC generator got me this for the Captain and the merchant:

    Adrienne Tyrconnell – an eccentric Severosi Admiral who pursues the desire to be feared and hates civilisation. She is fierce and athletic and stands out in her eelskin bodysuit. She can be found at the ‘Old Rasp’ Officer’s club.

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