3 thoughts on “Blank Character Sheet (v4)”

  1. I see a companion piece to this being a list of NPCs, a name and brief descriptor as in the quickstart, in the GM’s possession. When someone makes a new character, they pick a playbook, then the GM writes in a number of appropriate friends before handing the sheets over. 

    Keep adding NPCs known and unknown to the lists! And, if ambitious, keep a list of who has what friends on their sheets.

    Now, as an interesting aside, what would you require of a player to add a new NPC to the list of friends? Must it only be people you’ve known for a long time? Or if you have a number of interactions with someone and come to count them as your friend in the fiction… do you just add people? Or is there some advantage to having them that makes it worthwhile to spend experience on such a thing?

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