If you want to pre-make a heist site and then evaluate it for what could tempt your characters inside, consider taking a look at the “Price of Evil” by Zzarchov Kowolski.
The format is a “buystarter” so it’s available in rough form for cheap, and if there’s enough interest then the funds it makes will go to copyediting, art, layout, and so on. Why might you be interested in this project?
You use poker cards and hands to determine the house’s main features and the inhabiting ghosts. There is guidance for heaping “oppression” on the characters so as they creak under the weight of their fear and choke on ghostly presence, the rooms get spookier and the ghosts get more powerful.
The system is not neutral, but it’s close enough to easily adapt to use with Blades in the Dark. The theme and feel is about 80% aligned with Blades in the Dark, so most of what you generate you can use as-is.
Making up a few haunted houses could be a pleasant afternoon’s diversion. Afterwards, you can use the names of those haunted places as references, tie in their family histories into your game, and what not until your players are hired to rob one, or cleanse it (especially if they have one or more whisper) or maybe they even target it on their own initiative. Maybe they even use it as a base.
Twenty six pages. Requires some time and investment to use, but building haunted houses may be its own reward. If you want some help coming up with haunted houses, this is a treat for you.