Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games?

Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games?

Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games? Trying to establish a baseline for what might or might not be possible in the setting for a starting Whisper. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Can someone give some examples of what they have used attune rolls for in their BitD games?”

  1. * Detecting ghosts.

    * Attuning to the ghost field for information.

    * Doing seances. 

    * Responding to a daemonic call.

    * Decipher daemon induced dreams.

    * Invoking supernatural forces.

    * Erasing magic seals. 

    * Detecting ghost-locks.                                                                              

    I can’t remember anymore right now.

  2. *Ghostkey to travel the Phantom Zone

    *Absorbing a Soul

    *Alter Weather

    *Create Potions

    *Flesh mending/ healing


    *Sense Undead

    *Open Dimensionsgate

    *Controll Creature

    *Detect Spell

    *Talk to recently Dead

    *Cast Shadows for Stealth

    *Erase all Sound

    *Erase Memory

    *Enchant item through use of Essence

    *Enchant Trap

    *Enchant Spirit Alarm

    *Unnatural Plantgrowth

  3. Most characters use Attune to find a supernaturally hidden trap or lock. Or to see if there is a ghost in a body. Or to sense the presence of the supernatural, and possibly its emotional state. Pick out a vampire from a crowd of people. Sense enchantment in an object. Touch something incorporeal.

    I let Whispers do all that AUTOMATICALLY. I have them attune like “target lock” on a ghost, clamping down on its energy signature to manipulate it (often with another action.) I also let them use it to turn supernatural stuff off and on. They can use it to line up their energies with the ghost energies, so they can engage in battle (physically supported or just energy-based.) Also when they attune to something I give them more information about it.

  4. I left out the whisper-specific uses of Attune, especially because they varied from version to version. 

    One of the cool things #theMalkavs  did is starting a “ghost collection”, spirit bottles with different ghosts that the Whisper can command to do different things (the ghost of a murderer to kill, the ghosts of royal family to get information). 

    I use to have them test Attune for things like Andrew Shields describes, but I might like his way better, maybe I’ll start giving things for “free” to Whisper characters.

  5. For me it’s the one skill that is a bit difficult to relate with when you read the quickstart, but these suggestions really help get the narrative juices flowing. Thanks!

  6. I think I will also take Andrew ‘s suggestion and let my whisper do some of these things automatically. Our Lurk is also sensitive to the energies but I’ll make him roll…. 😉

  7. Specific tables will calibrate differently, of course. One motive I had in how I ended up parsing out what you can do with Attune is that everyone has the capacity to do it–so there should be some things non-Whispers can do. =)

    The narrative base of the game allows the GM to make the characters automatically succeed and look cool at minor tasks related to what they’re good at. Then challenge them with something that requires an expert!

  8. Yeah… its something Dungeon World did quite well also and something I try to do where possible. I do feel like additional guidance on attune would help new players though as it’s more of a genre skill and less relatable than prowl, or skirmish for example.

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