Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

Midnight Empire Chapter 3 concluded!

The 5. Strike-Team of the 13th. Sanguine Enforcement Department of the Diocese of North Americana busted the White Queen and her criminal ring of organ dealers and casinos in Vegas. The Teams Enforcer Vexer (Cutter) got a load of a shutgun in his guts and barely survived the last Chapter against the Widow of Witherfields, but came back by the infusion of lycantropic mutagen. With sideeffects but who cares? The Drifters Echo and Noise (Cyber-Whisper) overload the Servers of the Black Chifre Templars and stole their intel on the White Queen’s Lair. The Doll Ariadne (Out of Body Perception Whisper and Telepath) took over the lairs’s Security cams and repeated the feedback, so that Vexer and Noise could infiltrate the Casino Blanche. Deep in the guts of the underneath complex, a midnight demon ravaged throught the Queen’s Fathilities but was eliminated by the team who could free the Shade Lucille de La Croix  (Lurker/Whisper) before she was dissected by the White Knights. Ariadne detected a transdimensional Leak caused by the artifacts, which the Queen harvested from the Tomb of Solomon. More creatures from the Midnight Empire arrived and all order collapsed. Lucille sacrified herself and destroyed the gate. 

After the escape of the White Queen, the shadows opened up and revealed Lucilles survival, but changed for ever marked by the Eye of the Void. Vexer fullfilled his personal project and transmuted into a full Lycantrop while rescuing Ariadne who got surrounded by White Knights Automaton. 

After the Debrief, they spend more time to build up a magic ward in their base of operation and Lucille started a new project (and Compendium Class as Voidblood) to master the Dark Forces in her Bloodstream. Ariadne took the time to train her gunskills, while Echo and Noise got further into the assimilation of the Quantum-Ghost-Engine, which they found in Chapter 1.


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