I finally got to run a BiTD session and the game definitely has potential and we’re coming back for another go this…

I finally got to run a BiTD session and the game definitely has potential and we’re coming back for another go this…

I finally got to run a BiTD session and the game definitely has potential and we’re coming back for another go this weekend. I’m afraid I have some pretty basic questions about the rules and was wondering if there were some written play examples showing the basics? For example, combat, stealth, detect traps, sway?

7 thoughts on “I finally got to run a BiTD session and the game definitely has potential and we’re coming back for another go this…”

  1. I’ve found that some early versions of the playtest documents did have examples of play and some guidance on things like stealth but they probably are no longer available. The rules have also moved along some as well so it’s a case of interpreting those in the face of changes and updates.

    As the current QS is an unfinished work I suspect that the full version in a month or two will have those holes plugged.

  2. I’ve watched a couple of videos but still have some residual questions. Perhaps someone can assist?

    1. Does PC assistance increase the position or add dice to the roll? Or both?

    2. How to avoid complex actions becoming desperate simply by the laws of probability? i.e. chances are that players will roll < 6 and increase the severity of their position.

    3. During Ep 4, Pt 1, John makes a decision about damage.

    During combat, Cantor rolls a 5 on a desperate skirmish, resulting in Severe stress.

    Somehow, the GM decides on severe harm (level 3) and then decides on a shattered rib.

    Player gets the opportunity to resist, using stress.

    Resists using prowess (using first column of dots)

    6 stress – highest die

    Qn: How does he decide on the damage? Seems to be linked to their skill. 

  3. re: 1

    i would say the narritive decides the position, if the fact that more than one person helps in on it should make it easier let the position reflect this.

    re: 2

    as gm you may chose one or more amongst the listed results, thus you should only choose to ‘escelate’ to desperate if you feel that the premise is changed or danger is increase somehow.

    re: 3

    the damage, as i see it is entirely established by the gm based on the current narritive.

  4. Yep, Toke has it right.

    Also, re: 1, the rules for assistance have changed slightly. In the current public version, assistance gives +1d. In the version we’re using in Episode 4, assistance gives +1 position, which is the new rule going forward.

  5. Hey John Harper, I really like the new helping rules, but is there any mechanical advantage to helping if you are in controlled position? Could you somehow come up with say a DB that escalates your position (and adds a die) then ask for help to add to your position? This would all have to be taken account in the fiction of course! I can see some lovely twists coming out of this style of play.

  6. Yep, Nathan, that’s a good way to do it. If you’re already at controlled, but have help available, why not push your luck? 🙂

    I’ll include that little trick as an example.

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