Session XIII. The crew bungled a job to steal a dress (I know) and hit wanted 4.

Session XIII. The crew bungled a job to steal a dress (I know) and hit wanted 4.

Session XIII. The crew bungled a job to steal a dress (I know) and hit wanted 4. 

I am thinking of playing it out this way — The Little Sisters are no more. They have to abandon their position and scatter or be crushed in the face of all the adversity they’ve stirred up. Their gangs, turf, resources are all gone. They need to lay low and wait and it will not be good time to have ever been a friend of a Little Sister.

Then, after the storm passes, each player can select one of their PCs that made it through. Everyone else is imprisoned in Ironhook, dead (tell us how), or worse (player’s call). The players have to start again from scratch, somewhere else in Duskwall from tier 0… perhaps this time being a little more careful not to kill so many of their foes…

Does this sound fair? Too generous? Too cruel? What say you?

8 thoughts on “Session XIII. The crew bungled a job to steal a dress (I know) and hit wanted 4.”

  1. Last time my crew tried to steal a dress, nobody said them that the taylor used spirit essence of tortured souls for weaving and had made a corpse golem from the remains of his disposed materials 😛

  2. I think what you’re planning is fine.

    When I look at Wanted, I see “Trauma for the campaign.” When it hits 4 you can no longer function. And you’re doing that. I would be tempted to make a new crew altogether, all new characters, and maybe work past characters back in after at least a year of game time passed.

    If a character from a Wanted 4 crew is in your new crew (even with an alias) and gets found out, what are the consequences for the new crew? I would think the full force of the law and other various enemies would come to bear once more, and what they lost in momentum they would regain in ferocity for being foiled the first time.

    Rather than embedding a suicide pill in the new crew, I think it would be better to go all new characters.

  3. I think that’s fair.  The earlier idea of just throwing out one crew sheet and starting with another could use a little more teeth.  We’re all a little over focused on our characters and under concerned with the crew sheet anyways.  It’s good.  

  4. Hey, but I’m not the one counting kills, reaching over 2 dozen!  I’ve had one kill I think?  And that was playing fully in character when it was disadvantageous to do so.  I blame Tal and Hook!  Actually, I think it would be worthwhile to take a tally of which characters are where and what’s happened to them and maybe who is annoyed with or protective of or just fine with who.  We should definitely give Mansell a chance to explain why Click will no longer be with us.  And where the hell has Two Hats been all this time anyways?….  When does the devil’s bargain that establishes him as a traitor come up?

  5. Your method sounds good to me, Peter. It’s really fun for me to see this happen, btw. It’s nice to know that the systems make it tough enough that crew failure really is an option.

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