6 thoughts on “What the hell is a Shrike? I found it mentioned in some talk from earlier?”

  1. Maybe a relic of the Ghost Lines tendency to name all the playbooks after birds. Which I liked a lot, actually, and I think it would have made a neat built-in cant for Blades.

  2. Hmm… the Shrike is a predatory bird, swift and fierce, yet smaller than most such birds. They can be pretty fragile.

    Perhaps we’re talking about an acrobatic type with or without supernatural abilities?

    A master of the art of combat parkour and rooftop running, sailing through the air in feats that defies logical explanation, with coordination that puts even the most deft magician look on in wonder.

    Cat Burglar, Courier, Swashbuckler, Traceur?

    With gadgets, she could be even more dangerous, running with hook lines and leaving “presents” for pursuers.

    With supernatural abilites, she’d be akin to Corvo from Dishonored in terms of reach and speed.

    I suppose that niche would not intrude too much on either the Lurk nor the Hound.

    A quite aggressive version of the Lurk I think with more offensive abilities, and with abilities to handle pursuits.

    Maybe it’s a bit too much of a wheelman-esque type, but I think it could be a cool addition.

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