So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located.

So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located.

So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located. I mean, I can figure that the Docks are west of Crow’s Foot. But… otherwise…?

12 thoughts on “So, I guess that’s a question for the book, but where the hell is the different neighbourhoods of Duskwall located.”

  1. Early on, the response would be an unqualified “You decide!” I don’t know that the city will be nailed down much in the final book; Duskwall seems built to be customized by necessity, and that’s fine.

  2. There was a post early on that had links/a link to maps with each sector/area shown. I’ve been using those to orientate myself in games. I even noted the presence of two taverns with the same name on the map set fairy recently.

    Each district obviously has street lighting but few have a lightning barrier (according to the maps set i have.

    The set came with pdf, MS Word and OO Write files so was good for multiple platforms and the author linked me up with the font so I could use the symbols for each Faction or Ward.

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