The Evil Gang of Eleven forms and kill Baz – not for the Red Sashes, but because they figure it’s the best way to be left the hell alone.

Played with the 3f ruleset, which I freakin’ love. Wreck made for a couple of great moments, and the Leech playbook is very cool. 

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Ugh, I just realized I let the Hound fight 4 guards without making that a desperate move. To be fair, he did throw molotovs at them and rolled a 6 on that, so perhaps I judged molotovs vs small gang to simply be risky/daring.

  2. It’s all good. It’s an abstract representation of the situation, so if you say it isn’t desperate, then that’s stage direction to the director who is coordinating the scene and working with the stunt coordinator, and the actors should perform accordingly when they make a movie version. =)

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