Do stress and heat spillover after the track is full? Or is that a hard reset to 0 once vice or wanted level goes up?

Do stress and heat spillover after the track is full? Or is that a hard reset to 0 once vice or wanted level goes up?

Do stress and heat spillover after the track is full? Or is that a hard reset to 0 once vice or wanted level goes up?

Also, what’s the consequence of going passed 4 heat?

8 thoughts on “Do stress and heat spillover after the track is full? Or is that a hard reset to 0 once vice or wanted level goes up?”

  1. I do a hard reset to 0.

    I’d say the consequence of going past 4 heat is that you get caught, straight up. The narrative flex you have with moving around during down time is gone. Your friends and allies are getting caught up, it’s Patriot Act time. Anywhere you’ve been you cannot go. Any transportation out of the city is watched. They will get you. They are paying specialist whispers to hunt you with ghosts. Your refuges burn. No one will hide you. You are DONE.

  2. Hard reset to zero.

    I like Andrew’s idea about Wanted Level ‘5’. Alternately, you can just leave it at 4 and keep playing, ignoring future Heat gains. The powers that be send their best assets against you every chance they get. That’s the game now.

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