This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and…

This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and…

This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and HOLD. Can anyone give a bit of guidance?

4 thoughts on “This is one of those “I feel stupid for asking” questions, but I am just not getting the difference between REP and…”

  1. Hold is how strongly your faction is ensconced at a given tier. It is made up of two parts: the sum of all your claim values (see crew sheet), plus your current rep.

    Rep counts point for point as hold as long as you have it, but it can also be spent to engineer certain fictional results, as well as to take extra downtime actions.

  2. It would be accurate, but the only problem would be that rep is not hold, exactly; each point is equivalent to one hold, and it is used to determine what your hold is, but unlike hold it is a spendable resource.

    It is confusing that hold is used for two things: as the total, and as the permanent* bonus to your hold from your Claims. It might be easier if claims hold was called something else, like turf (which is the only thing that gives you a claims hold bonus right now) and your hold was the total of your turf and your rep.

    *permanent, unless you lose a Claim!

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