I don’t know if this will work tomorrow, but I’m currently running a playtest of the rules.

One of our people had to leave, so we’re with two now, but getting the job ended up like a Paranoia briefing 🙂

I’ve fudged things for fun (we did a downtime already) but it’s been good.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. I also accidentally made some copies of the sheets with the old play test document so we’ve had some confusion over terms at times.  We fought with the Notable PDF on Google Drive as we tried to have it so we could see all the sheets.  

  2. So quick recap:

    They (The Diamond Dogs) decided to try to take the fence away from the Fog Hounds.

    Used their contacts to determine that Jimmy Fingers (the fence) had a job for the Hounds.  They got information to help sway Jimmy.  While talking to Jimmy, one tried to sneak in the back to find more info and ran into the guards.  One player, who was with the guy talking to Jimmy, walked out the back and the two of them killed his guards before Jimmy heard anything.

    Then the Whisper did a Ritual to turn the home of the Ward Captain into a Ghost Magnet on the night they were going to hit the Ward Captain’s home.

    They snuck in, got into a fight with two of the Fog Hounds and a Ghost…. the Whisper ran upstairs while the Cutter tried to find off the ghost.  

    They ended up killing the Ward Captain, setting his house on fire, taking the information they needed, and fled with their lives.

    We could have 2-3 sessions just with them cleaning up the chaos that happened in their first game.  We may see if we can get together again to play, cuz that was fun.

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