Brainstorming with my girlfriend we came up with this great playbook idea.
1 Sway
1 Discern
1 Prowl
Slippery: when you slip through or navigate narrow spaces, you get +1 effect.
Zappy: when you recover, you get +1 level of healing.
Scent: +1d when you gather information by tracking with your sense of smell or hearing.
Herding Dog: you get +1d when trying to position one of your gangs or cattle.
Dashing: take 1 stress to gain potency when fleeing or avoiding capture.
Puppy Eyes: you get special armor vs. accusations and rebuke. When you roll a critical when trying to avoid culprit or come up with an alibi, clear 1 stress.
Ghost Sense: you always detect paranormal activity near you and you cannot be taken by surprise by ghosts.
Persona: when you pose a some random dog, you get +1 effect.
Veteran: choose a special ability from another playbook.
Fine bouncing ball
Fine trained human decoy
Fine costume
Forged id tag
Leather chewing bone
Spiritbane charm
Pighead, a butcher
Caesar, a dog trainer
Karolina, a dog breeder
Max, a road warrior
Susana, a rich actress
Kid, a street urchin.
I have a few friends who would love this.
Corgi singing should totally be a thing.
My corgis approve.
Me: “You can’t play one!”
Kristy: “Awww.”
Me: “And you can’t have one for a pet!”
Kristy: “AWWWW!”
Me: ::is worst GM ever::
Kristy: “What if I make a Hound and take this as my very special pet?!?”
Me: … I guess you could do that.
This kind of feels like Koromaru from Persona 3 – an adorable puppy with red eyes that will eff you up.