A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

A new special ability anyone can take:

Eye Shine

The operation takes 3 coin and 6 hours, with a 4 segment recovery clock. A skilled and trained whisper, alchemist, and physick must be involved. Eye Shine allows the character to see in the dark, and also see electroplasm. Unless there is warding magic concealing electroplasm, the character can now visually identify hollows, vampires, possessed bodies, ghosts, and other electroplasmic phenomenon. Demon energy is not visible. The character’s eyes reflect light and have a soft blue glow from the pupils.


5 thoughts on “A new special ability anyone can take:”

  1. One thing I just love doing is taking things from one genre or game and inserting them into another. My favorite part of doing this is seeing how they twist, showing off different facets than they did in their original setting.

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