Gaddoc Rail Station

Gaddoc Rail Station

Gaddoc Rail Station

I’m running this at Go Play Northwest this weekend. THREE TIMES! Its my love letter to Blades.

The scenario takes place during the same time frame as War in Crow’s Foot. All three gang bosses are looking for precious cargo to get an advantage over the others.

Here’s the PDF:ย

19 thoughts on “Gaddoc Rail Station”

  1. Thanks Christian Griffen, it betrays my lazy GMing style of letting them create their own opposition. I wonder if any group won’t select all three choices for the score!

  2. Excellent!

    Sean, I hope to run this in addition to Stone Dragon Mountain at +Ettincon.

    It’s freaking out of control! A Nittneresque festival ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Nathan Roberts, the one thing not included here is “why has no one come out of Gaddoc since the Argonaut arrived?”

    That’s intentionally left for the GM to ponder. I have my own ideas, and I may ditch them if the players say something that sounds better, but I’ll be curious to hear what you do well.

  4. Ran this last nigh. It was very fun. An AP report will come soon.ย 

    Two updates made:

    1.) Only one choice for the score. The guys pick all three options (expected) and that was fine except that we had to answer three sets of questions, which took too long. Now the score is by default valuable, dangerous, and illicit, and the crew selects what it is especially!

    2.) This was always there in my head, but I didn’t write it on the first draft. Question for the GM: Why is Gaddoc shut down? Have the scoundrels already answered that or you, or is something else going down?

  5. Think of any busy central train station around the world. I asked my players to describe one detail they know about the rail station (based on their playbook), then re-incorporated them like crazy.

    Also, the notes from John’s Ghost Lines games are super helpful to reference. We had ghosts residue all over the place, and Disgruntled Rail Bulls looking for a pugilistic release. It was epic.

  6. One weird detail (I got from John Harperย  when I first asked about Gaddoc Rail): A pair of rail jacks stuck working overtime guarding a man who got possessed on the train. Waiting impatiently for Spirit Wardens to arrive. They are talking about something utterly mundane (spouse’s, gambling debt, a sick dog) while they each hold a lighting collar (think an animal control catch pole but with lightning sparking down the end of it) that contains the possessed man, but think nothing of it. Just another crappy day at their crappy ghost catching job.

  7. Thanks, Nathan Roberts, Sean Nittner! I’ve run Ghost Lines a few times and it’s definitely part of what attracted me to this. Looking forward to seeing what develops. Only issue now is familiarizing myself with the most current version of the rules; I’ve run three or four versions of Blades now from its earliest inceptions, but have not run it recently. ย ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Yeah, I think QS5 is still pretty similar to QS3 and 4 at the core, so as long as you played with those it shouldn’t be a huge stretch. Plus, the game is pretty forgiving if you bungle something up. There are always more pockets to pick, and danger to fall into ๐Ÿ™‚

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