Free RPG Day

Free RPG Day

Free RPG Day

First 3 people answering here will receice a small personal Charaportrait in my drawing style of their Character. Nothing too fancy, just something for my warmup, sketching.

Please provide me a photo for reference in hight resolution and it will be done. Will be fun to do some crewmembers here πŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Free RPG Day”

  1. Ok, the three winners are Donogh McCarthy Dominic Niederhoff & Brad Black

    @ Dominic: Anything that I can distinct as a human beeing. No, seriously it should be at least 1000px, to get you a good portrait. Did I mention I am not particular good at Portraits πŸ˜› ?

  2. Send me a privat dropbox link to the Foto or something, and start awaiting gruesome horrors of my inking πŸ˜›

    Ah and a short note what it supposed to look like / class. Dont expect it to look like you imagine πŸ™‚

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