I’ve updated the listing of enterprises in the neighborhood.

I’ve updated the listing of enterprises in the neighborhood.

I’ve updated the listing of enterprises in the neighborhood. Aldo and Wolfram torched a 2 point enterprise for the Red Sashes, and that was just enough to knock them from Tier 2 down to Tier 1, so if they don’t immediately annex another enterprise they’ll lose points from their remaining enterprises. At tier 2 they can have a maximum of 10 in an enterprise, but at tier 1, it is a maximum of 5. So they are in a “make or break” situation.

The Lampblacks and Crows are likely to make a move to assure the weakened Red Sashes stay weak. We’ll see what the characters do. Maybe they can negotiate to help out in exchange for control of a small enterprise, if the big dogs snap up the bigger ones.

I also updated the document to include the PC crew.

